In English
- How is my annual salary counted if I am late to register with Arbetsförmedlingen?
- How are the 300 days counted?
- Akassa compensation % due to holidays
- What happens after this 300 days period is over and one is still unemployed?
- Can I apply for unemployment benefit while waiting for a decision on my permanent residence app.?
- Gap between employment and finishing my thesis
- Visa status and unemployment benefits
- Part-time job while receiving benefits + working abroad
- Withdraw from PhD studies
- How does the 45 suspension days count
- Can I go on a swedish course to increase my chances to get a job and keep my A-kassa?
- Unemployment and Parental leave
- What happens when you get a new job?
- Study while unemployed
- Quit a job while on parental leave
- Pay membership fee some months in advance
- What do you consider acceptable reasons to quit a job?
- What is "withdraw from PhD"?
- I started my new full-time employment in the middle of a week
- I am ill with a-kassa
- I am home with a sick child
- How do I apply for benefits?
- Do I need to apply for jobs in other cities?
- Do I have to apply for all kinds of jobs?
- My PhD was financed with a scholarship, can I apply for the benefit?
- Does my thesis need to be completely finished before I can receive benefit?
- What happens if I choose to resign?
- What is the difference between ‘Arbetsgivarintyg’ and ‘Anställningsbevis’?
- Do I have to submit my original certificates?
- Can I go to a Job interview abroad?
- Social support waiting for my PhD defence
- How do I forward my arbetsgivarintyg to you?
- What are the conditions for unemployment benefits?
- What happens if one quit ones job?
- How much can I get from the a-kassa?