I am ill with a-kassa

I am ill. How do I report that?
Akademikernas a-kassa Kundtjänst


  • If you are sick you should tick the box under ‘Sjuk/FP’. These are divided into the amount of time you are prevented from working. 1/1 which means you are prevented for 8 hours. (¾ or 6 hours. ½ or 4 hours. 1/8 or 1 hour.)

    To Mina sidor
    Apply for sick pay at Försäkringskassan
    Anna W
  • I don't find 'Sjuk/FP' on my pages on akademikernasakassa 
    . or should I report the illness only on the  Försäkringskassan ? and that is enough
    ? how is that works please?
  • Hello Mohamed!

    Thank you for your post!

    • In Mina sidor tick sjuk/VAB/Föräldrapenning if you are applying for unemployment benefits (a-kassa) and are sick right now. 
    • If you don't apply for a-kassa right now you only apply for sick pay from Försäkringskassan.
    Kind regards, Anna
    Anna W

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