Study while unemployed
Can one study swedish language full time/partime or distance while receiving A- How about university studies either full time or part-time? Thanks for help
Can one study swedish language full time/partime or distance while receiving A- How about university studies either full time or part-time? Thanks for help
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Thanks for your post.
Yes , there is an opportunity to study part time while one is unemployed with a-kassa . What subject one studies is not of importance.
The conditions are
- That the coarse is at the most 50 percent of full time studies
- That one continues to apply for jobs
- That one is willing to quit the studies if offered a job, and
- That one doesn’t have any other benefit or finance.
Remember to apply in advance. Apply hereIf one is granted to study with a-kassa one a to report full time unemployed in the time report.
I hope my answer is of idé to you. Och lycka till med din svenska!
Kind regards, Annika
How is the 50% pace of study is calculated? What happens if in the information about the course is not mentioned the exact percentage? Some online courses only state the estimated number of hours (online classes+personal study time) and the duration in weeks or months.Can one calculate the pace of study from those parameters?
Thanks for your question. I suggest that you ask the course provider (school), because for us to accept a half-time pace of study the coarse must be described as that when you apply. It cannot be more than 50 percent.
If you send us some information about the coarse you are planning to take, we can help you. Remember that you also have to send us an application in Mina sidor.
Does this make sense to you? I hope so, or please get back to me!
Best regards, Annika
Can that study be SFI intensive mode? (4h/day)
Thank you!
Kind regards,
Thanks for your post. What one studies is not a matter for us. We just assess the studypace.
If the studypace is 50 percent the studies can be granted. If it is 4 hours a day intensive mode it doesn't sound to me as part time, but ask the school for a certificate that you can send tonua when you apply in good advance.
Good luck!
Vänliga hälsningar, Annika
Thank you,
Best wishes,
Thank you for your post.
- Apply with us before you start your course. Please fill in this form
Have a nice day! Kind regards, AnnaI have a question which is a question from a lot of people.
I am receiving an unemployment salary from A-kassa and continuously applying for job opportunities. But to find a job, I need to learn Swedish, and I want to take intensive Swedish courses in SFI, which are 3:30 hours a day and 5 days a week.
Can I do that and still be paid by A-kassa? Shall I report this to A-kassa or not? How should I do that?
For you to be able to study with a-kassa, it can onlybepart time studies with a maximum of 50 % of full time studies. It's also only possible to study with a-kassa for 20 weeks.You also need to apply beforehand. You can luse the link in the previous replyin this thread.
All the best
I have a course starting next week. How long will it take to receive approval for my study application on Mina sidor?
Thank you.
Our case handling times varies. My advice for you is to call us and speak with one of our case officers and they will be able to help you out!
08-412 33 00
All the best