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Longer qualification time than 12 months

Hi there!
I have a question about the working requirement: "during a period of 12 months worked for at least 6 months, at least 80 hours per calendar month. We usually look at the last year. The time may be extended, for example, to parental leave, completed full-time studies or sickness benefit".

Would my qualifying time be extended in my case:

1. I worked between Aug 2015 and Aug 2017 well over 80 hrs a month (member of AEA since 2015)
2. In Aug 2017 I started full time university education (100%), which ends June 2019
3. Due to the education, I have worked reduced hours, amounting to under 80 hrs a month for the duration of the studies

My question: If I lose my job after I graduate in June 2019 and I sign up at arbetsförmedlingen, which period of income will you be taking into account to calculate my benefit payment? The work period before I started my full time study, or the work period during my studies?

From the cited above working requirement I understand it will be the period before I started studying. However, I would appreciate your professional advice on this.
Thank you


  • Hej  Zara!
    Thanks for your question. Yes, you have understood the requirement perfectly. The benefit will be based on the hours that you worked before the studies.
    Have you been working (80 hours or more) during the summer holidays? Then we will count those months and skip the others.

    I hope I have answered your question. Good luck!
    Vänliga hälsningar, Annika
    Annika S
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