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What happens if I choose to resign?

What happens if I choose to resign?

Akademikernas a-kassa Kundtjänst


  • If you choose to resign, your right to unemployment benefit may be suspended for 45 benefit days. This is if you have quit your job without an acceptable reason*.
    • The suspension days will be deducted in connection to us receiving your time report. 
    • The suspension days will be deducted on days you would have been entitled to benefits and/or days when you have worked. If you are on sick/parental leave, vacation or unable to apply for work, the suspension period will be postponed. 
    • However, when 112 days have passed since you resigned from your employment, the suspension period will be over - regardless if you have completed it or not.
    More about the rules

    Fill in these forms when you apply for benefits:Kind regards, Anna

    *More about acceptable reasons for resigning according to the unemployment insurance act.
    Anna W
  • Dear all,

    I have been a member since 01.05.2022 and have a question regarding my unemployment benefits. I resigned from my position at the end of July 2023 as I am moving to the Netherlands for a new tenure-track position. My initial contract is for 7 years, however, I will have the opportunity to become permanent. My position starts on the 1st of September, which means that I have one month of unemployment in between. Will I still need to register for unemployment here in Sweden to get my benefits or can I apply for them independently for 1 month?

    Any help or information is greatly appreciated.

    Best wishes,
    Karim Rafie
  • Hello Karim!

    I'm not sure that i really undertand your situation. For you to be able able to receive befits from us in august you need to be positioned in Sweden and applying for work in Sweden during August.

    As you will move to another country inside the european union my advice for you is to call us and speak with one of our case officers regarding labour movement and the possibilities od using Swedish work as a foundation forbenefits in the Nethelands.

    Please call us on 08-4123300 and choose EU/EES frågor.

    All the best
    Petter B

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