Social support waiting for my PhD defence
I am a PhD student, my contract will end in 2 weeks (i.e., 30 June) and my PhD defence will be after summer. I am member for Akademikernas a-kassa for more than 1 year. I already found a job and I will start it in mid of August. I want to apply for social support for 1 and half months, until I start the new job. How should I proceed?
I am a PhD student, my contract will end in 2 weeks (i.e., 30 June) and my PhD defence will be after summer. I am member for Akademikernas a-kassa for more than 1 year. I already found a job and I will start it in mid of August. I want to apply for social support for 1 and half months, until I start the new job. How should I proceed?
Följ inlägget
Thank you for your post and congratulations on your upcoming title!
- Register att arbetsförmedlingen the 1st of July.
- Fill in the form Ansökan om ersättning in Mina sidor.
- Fill in the form Studieintyg in Mina sidor.
- Ask your employer to fill in the form Arbetsgivarintyg. You can send a request via Mina sidor.
- Fill in your time reports in Mina sidor.
- Log in to to add your bank account.
And congratulations on your new position!Kind regards, Anna