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Ny a-kassa efter tidigare ersättning – uppfyller jag kraven?


I have a question about my right to unemployment benefits after my current employment ends.

I received unemployment benefits in September and October 2024 , but before that I had worked for two years in a row . After the unemployment benefits, I started working again from November 11, 2024 to March 31, 2025 (4.5 months).

My question is:
Since I have worked a total of 10 months in the last 12 months (April 2024 – March 2025) (including the period before I received unemployment benefits), am I still eligible for benefits after March 31, 2025 ? Or do I need to work longer to meet a new work condition?

Thanks in advance for your answer!



  • Hello Josué and thanks foor your question!

    If you becom unemployed within a year from the last time you received unemployment benefits you will continue on your previous period of benefits.

    The period that was granted in september 2024 is still ongoing and you will continue on that same period of benefits with the same conditions.

    All the best
    Petter B
  • Thanks Petter!
    I have another question. What if instead of finishing the 31st of March I finish the 11th of April? Would I meet the eligibility criteria for working 60 hours per month for 6 months? Since I worked for 6 months Nov 24 - Apr 25 and each month it has been more than 60 hours.

    Thanks in advance for your answer!

  • Hello Josué!

    As you already have a granted period of benefits you don't need additional work to be able to receive unemployment benefits. As long as you apply agian within a year of the last date you received benefits there will be no demands of new working hours.

    All the best
    Petter B
  • Hej Petter!

    Thanks for your response again! The main issue is due to salary differences since the new employment was at relatively higher salary, whereas, if I continue with the previously granted period it means that the compensation is related to the previous employment salary right?
  • Hello Josué!

    Yes, that is correct. For you to be able to receive higher benefits you need to find work with a better salary for at least a year.

    All the best
    Petter B

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