Gap between employment and finishing my thesis
My contract as an employee will end by the end of March but I still need some months to finish writing my thesis, which mean that I will be unemployed for those months until I finish my manuscript. I am aware that I don't get any benefits before my thesis is done. However, will I still get those benefits once I finish even though there would be a gap between my employment period and the time of finishing the text? And hoe would this gap effect those benefits?
My contract as an employee will end by the end of March but I still need some months to finish writing my thesis, which mean that I will be unemployed for those months until I finish my manuscript. I am aware that I don't get any benefits before my thesis is done. However, will I still get those benefits once I finish even though there would be a gap between my employment period and the time of finishing the text? And hoe would this gap effect those benefits?
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For the gap to not affect your future unemplyment benefits negatively you need to make sure that you're still registered as a full time Phd student with your school. As long as you have been registered as a full time Phd student we can skip the period in time where you have not had an emplyment and calculate the benefits based on your previous employment.
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As for your rights to unemployment benefits there is no need to register at Arbetsförmedlingen until you have finished your thesis. It's only from the date that you apply for benefits that you need to be registered.
However you might want to check with Försäkringskassan if it's necessary to protect your sjukpenninggrundande inkomst (SGI).
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